Monday, December 31, 2007


I got to work today to discover that last night's closer didn't do any of her closing duties, and thus I had to clean up after her even though I had closed UFC seven hours earlier. I'm sure it must have been out-of-control busy, but if I could have managed to get my store clean after UFC (I closed at the other location), then there's absolutely no reason that she couldn't.

When she got in (at 12; I started at 10:20), she complained about how busy it was the night before, and spent two hours bitching about other coworkers. I felt like I was babysitting.

I convinced the manager to let me leave at 3:00 instead of 8:00 (they didn't need me), so I crawled into bed and have been watching the first season of Criminal Minds ever since. Clearly, being a likable and reliable employee pays off.

The downside is that my parents aren't home and after 7 hours of watching Criminal Minds, I'm now certain there is someone outside my house waiting to kill me. Is there a BAU in Canada?

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