Tuesday, March 4, 2008

CIA? Yeah, it's Melissa. I've got a suggestion for you.

I have come up with a new way to torture people. Sit them down at a desk in front of a glaring computer screen and force them to transcribe hours and hours of audio interviews. For those who have committed truly heinous crimes, make them do the interviews with the really boring speakers who say "like" and "um" a lot, and throw out a lot of jargon and speak incredibly fast. Oh yeah, you're not allowed to slow down the audio, either.

Why hasn't the government figured this one out yet? If you really want to wear someone down, don't just poke them a lot, make them do something that will make them want to tear their own eyes out.

I have been transcribing interviews for over six hours and I already want to change professions. Why doesn't some sort of software exist that can do this for me? My computer can play games with me and tell me what time it is, why can't it transcribe my interviews for me?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'll pretend to be "that computer" that transcribes for you. Only I'll need more than 120 volts AC to fuel me.
Alan Kelly, freelancer, www.VerbatimIT.com