Friday, July 4, 2008

Sidewalks are for pedestrians

Dear Toronto cyclists,

I really admire you. I love that you are choosing to take an eco-friendly trip to work every morning, that you're getting more exercise than the average Canadian. I am also a little jealous that you have the courage that I lack to brave the mostly-bike-lane-less streets of Toronto admist the non-bike-friendly BMWs and Civics. I am too afraid, which is why I walk, and stare longingly at cyclists each time they pass. One day I hope to overcome the fear of being hit by a car, and join your ranks.

However, to all the cyclists who insist on biking on busy Queen West sidewalks: you should count yourselves lucky each time you pass me and I don't kick something into your spokes. I walk so I don't have to worry about getting flattened by a vehicle, not so I can play Frogger with ignorant cyclists.

I'll make you a deal, I'll keep lobbying for more bike lanes in the city if you, the biker, stick to them.

Sound good?

Melissa Wilson

1 comment: said...

As a cyclist there's nothing I hate more than people who not only ride on the sidewalk, but wear helmets while riding on it. Fucking panzies. Ride on the road, or get off. I can only forgive them if they need to go on the sidewalk to hit a bike path, as is the case on Queen/Kingston to get into the park.