Thursday, May 7, 2009

There's a 5:30 in the morning now?

It's first thing in the morning and we are about to leave (hopefully, if we can figure out how to pack the cooler) for our trip! First stop, a Titanic Museum in Massachusetts. Only 7.5 hours away.

It's supposed to rain all day all the way to Boston. I'm driving the first leg. Wish me luck.

And finally, a word from our foreign correspondent, Krystal (my sister) on the kitten's vacation.

The kitten bit me, so I put her to bed, then felt bad so I played with her for a bit before settling her in her laundry basket. Right now she's sleeping, which I should be too, but I thought I'd give you an update.

Before she went to bed she was playing with a spider she found on the fireplace mantle. So don't worry, she's making friends.

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